Saturday, November 30, 2013

10 Ideas to Decorate Your Front Porch for Christmas

Check out these ideas and don't forget to enter a picture of your home decorated for Christmas for a chance to win a $100 gift card to HomeGoods.  Click to enter today and vote for your favorite!


1. Twinkle, twinkle little… lights

Nothing says winter holidays like bright lights and no decoration is complete with them. They make the no. 1 choice in Christmas decorations whether you only choose to outline the front facing windows, to wrap porch posts or deck the entire porch with lights.

2. Stay green with evergreens

Usually made from evergreens, wreaths symbolize strength, as evergreens last even throughout the harshest winters. So what better way to welcome your guests than some nice Christmas wreaths hung on your front porch door?

3. The puny poinsettia is hanging his bloom…

Poinsettia plants are beautiful and in ample supply during the Christmas season whether real or faux. Natural poinsettia won’t survive a cold winter on a porch, but you may choose to display them at the front facing windows. Artificial flowers however will offer the same appearance with the ability to withstand the cold so choose artificial poinsettias to add to decorative flower pots and create a floral arrangement that will look great on your porch.

4. Welcoming doormats

A doormat may be seen as an insignificant detail in the overall Christmas decor but a welcome mat on your porch serves three purposes: visitors can wipe their feet and keep them clean before entering your home; a Christmas mat offers a touch of color; and preserves the consistency of the entire decoration. Choose a mat that is sturdy to stand up to traffic but is attractive and suitable in appearance.

5. Let the garlands of Christmas be evergreen

Wrap pine garland around pillars, posts and handrails. They have the advantage of looking very good with a variety of other decorations. You may wrap them together with lights or top them off with festive red bows. You can also drape garland on railing and from underneath the porch ceiling for a classic look.

6. Merry Christmas everyone…

If you have a swing or some type of seat on your porch, look for a “porch sitter.” A stuffed reindeer, Santa Claus, snowman or some other type of porch sitter can add a bit of whimsy to your porch decor. You can always add a personal touch by including a written welcome message, be it on a chalkboard surface or such ready-made ornaments.

7. Let the snow fall

Add fake snow, snowflakes or a stuffed snowman to your porch for a touch of whimsy. A snow shovel positioned on the porch adds a bit of fun and practicality. Go a step further by adding spray snow to the windows. Snowflakes are always pretty and may come in different shapes and even colours. They may be hung or taped to the door or windows.

8. Santa Claus is coming to town…

Santa Claus, his reindeers, Frosty the Snowman, the Grinch and many other such concepts make a great theme-based front porch design. Place a few different three-dimensional figures strategically on the porch to welcome guests and complete the look with coloured lights or special accents that match your chosen theme.

9. Light Christmas candles

Candles are an emblem of Christmas and are everywhere during this season so why not have them on your porch? Although there are some drawbacks in using them outside (they need protecting from the wind as they can easily be blown out and also require careful placing, out of the reach of children and pets), real candles have a lovely authentic feel which can hardly be replaced by electric Christmas candles.

10. Oh Christmas tree!

We definitely shouldn’t relegate Christmas trees to the living room space. A brightly lit outdoor tree, be it a cut tree that fits under your porch ceiling, or a live tree in a pot can invite added interest to a decorative front porch display. Decorate the tree with outdoor lights and ornaments and add wrapped faux presents under the tree for a complete display package.

Monday, November 18, 2013

10 Reason to List Your Home During the Holidays

10. Economics!  When inventory is reduced prices increase.  This will allow you to sell high and buy low.

9. You can sell now for more money and possibly be able to negotiate a delayed closing or extended occupancy until early next year.

8. Even though your house will be on the market, you still have the option to restrict showings on special days around the Holidays.

7. January is traditionally the month for employees to begin new jobs. Since transfers cannot wait until Spring to buy, you need to be on the market during the Holidays to capture the market.

6. Some people must buy before the end of the year for tax reasons.

5. Buyers have more time to look for a home during the Holidays.  Some people also save their vacation days until the end of the year.

4. Buyers are more emotional during the Holidays, so they are more likely to pay your price.

3. Houses show better when decorated for the Holidays, unless you're interested in the Griswold's.

2. Serious buyers have fewer houses to choose from during the Holidays and less competition means more money for you. And the number one reason why your seller should list during the Holidays …

1. People who look for homes during the Holidays are more serious buyers!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

3 Real Estate Myths

As the real estate market significantly rebounds, some buyers and sellers are dipping their toes in the waters for the first time. Inevitably, they come into the market with assumptions about how it works.
Their assumptions may come from TV reality shows or watching their parents' house-hunting experiences. Maybe they've learned about real estate from a co-worker’s recent home buying or selling experience. The trouble is, the new buyer or seller’s assumptions are sometimes based on outdated or generalized "real estate myths." Here are three such myths that many less-seasoned home buyers and sellers assume are true.
Myth No. 1: Spring is the best time to sell a home
Historically, real estate seasons were tied to summer and the end of the school year. Families were the typical buyers or sellers, and they wanted to move during the summer so their kids could start anew in September. That’s how spring became the prime selling season. It’s true there are still more homes for sale in the spring, which means there’s a lot of activity and buzz. But spring isn't necessarily the best time to sell a home anymore.
The reality: The best time to sell is during the holidays and right after
Today, more than half of buyers aren't married, and their decisions aren't based upon school schedules. So spring isn't as relevant as it used to be. Instead, the best time to sell a home is in November, December and January.
It’s a supply-and-demand issue. Most sellers assume buyers aren't seriously looking during this prolonged holiday season. And yet, many buyers are looking at properties in person and online right up until Christmas Eve. If the right home goes on the market in mid-December, a serious buyer — and there will be a lot of them — will take note.
After New Year’s Eve, most buyers jump back into their routine with a resolve to get into the real estate market, even though many sellers wouldn't even consider listing in January. The net effect: Savvy sellers will face less competition for a still-strong pool of buyers during this period. And that makes November-January a great time to sell.
Myth No. 2: Always start with your lowest offer
There’s no generalized strategy for making an offer on a home anywhere, ever. A seller could have overpriced or underpriced the home on purpose. Some markets may be more competitive than others. But, somehow, in the back of the buyer’s head is good old Uncle Bob saying "never offer the full asking price." That strategy might work if you’re trying to buy a used computer on eBay. And it worked in some real estate markets years ago. But times have changed.
The reality: A low offer may get you nowhere fast
A buyer in a strong, tight inventory market today would be wasting their time making low offers right from the start. It’s likely a home that’s priced right and shows well can receive multiple offers, sometimes even over the asking price. In this environment, constantly throwing in low offers because that’s what your Uncle Bob advised you to do will likely lead to disappointment. Instead, work with a good local real estate agent to understand the market. You’ll quickly learn after a few weeks on the open house circuit (and maybe a disappointment or two) that starting low may not get you anywhere.
Myth No. 3: A cash offer trumps all
There’s an assumption that a seller, considering two different offers, will always go with the cash offer because there’s less risk. As a result, many buyers who hear they’re competing with a cash offer assume they won’t get the home. They may not even make a formal offer. At the same time, many cash buyers assume that because they’re paying cash, they can make an offer below the asking price, and it will likely be accepted.
The reality: A savvy seller may be more tempted by a solid financed offer
Consider a seller with a home priced at $399,000. The seller receives two offers: One is a cash offer of $375,000. The other is an offer for the full asking price, with 25 percent down, a bank pre-approval letter and swift contingency periods.
A good buyer’s agent, upon learning their client is competing with a cash offer, will arm the seller with lots of data supporting their client’s finances, such as a credit report and verification of income or assets. The agent might even arrange a call between the seller and the buyer’s lender.
Learn your market
When you become a buyer or seller, especially for the first time, the most important thing you can do is learn your market. Talk to a savvy local agent, and don’t make assumptions based on what you think you know. Real estate is local. Every market is different, with its own customs. If you believe there are general rules for real estate strategy that apply everywhere, anytime, you’ll likely be fooled — not only in April, but every other month of the year.

Read more:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Is It Too Late to Get a Good Mortgage Rate?

Freddie Mac released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey last week, which indicated that average fixed mortgage rates have declined slightly in the wake of the sharp increase after the Federal Reserve’s announcement that it will slow its bond-buying program in the near future.
Average interest rates on a 30-year fixed mortgage have dropped to an average of 4.37 percent from last week’s 4.51 percent. Fifteen-year home loans also fell from 3.53 percent to an average of 3.41 percent this week. Though experts in the field are saying that rates may still continue to rise, albeit at a steadier pace than the initial spike.
Mortgage loan officer and contributor Scott Sheldon offered some insight into qualifying for a mortgage. “Rates are improving now,” he said. “Are we ever going to see rates at 3 and a half percent again? Probably not. Looking ahead to October or September, we might see rates hit 4.75, maybe 5 by the end of the year.”
What’s Ahead for Mortgage Rates
Testifying in front of Congress, Bernanke emphasized that the bond purchases are still contingent on economic developments, saying that “they are by no means on a preset course.”
Though Sheldon added that rates will surely rise if and when the 2014 planned easing of bond-buying happens, there are options for those looking to buy a home now.
“What I’m doing now is I’m qualifying people at a half a percent higher rate. That way, most of the time they still qualify, and if we can do it lower, everyone’s happy,” he explained. His advice to those looking to purchase a home: “Try to qualify at least a half or 0.625 percent higher than you normally would.”
Particularly for first-time home buyers, Sheldon recommends that they “lock their loan in immediately, or pick a rate they can get to by investing an up-front overhead. But they don’t want to get into their contract wondering what their loan is going to be.”
According to Sheldon, “if rates are going to dip again, they’re going to do it now,” but he also mentioned a trend during the past three years: massive interest rate improvements twice at the beginning and end of August. “So if they’re going to get into a contract in the next 30 to 40 days, it might be a good idea to wait, but if not, I’m going to say they should lock in their rate now,” he said.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Home Remodeling and Cost Vs. Value

Making home improvement decisions cannot totally hinge on "what will future buyers want" but resell should be considered before making large investment decisions.  The chart below shows data available from the Charlotte area on remodeling costs and costs recouped at sale. 
Have you always dreamed about lounging in a sunroom?  You may want to consider the value it would add as compared to a deck addition which would give you more bang for your buck. 
"Who are the buyers today and what are they looking for?", are good questions to ask when considering a home improvement project.  Many of today's buyers are very focused on outdoor living spaces so you may appeal to the next generation by keeping this in mind.  You may be concerned about durability but the buyer may be asking, "Do I have to live with that for 20 years?"  Maybe a minor kitchen remodel would be a better investment over a major one. 
The most important fact to embrace is that COST does not equal VALUE.  I suppose it is possible to invest $50000 and gain $75000 in equity but not probable.  A well executed improvement project will add value but not equal to the cost of the job.
Never forget that location is the single largest determining factor with regard to value of any property.  Take into consideration what features other homes in your area have and don't "over improve" your property.  

Charlotte, NC - Midrange Data
2013 South Atlantic Averages
Job Cost Resale Value Cost Recouped Project Job Cost Resale Value Cost Recouped Change vs. 2011-12
$42,487 $36,296 85.4% Attic Bedroom $44,429 $35,021 78.8% Change
$10,638 $5,531 52.0% Backup Power Generator $10,918 $6,698 61.3% Change
$54,368 $43,852 80.7% Basement Remodel $56,432 $44,949 79.7% Change
$33,417 $20,273 60.7% Bathroom Addition $34,852 $20,581 59.1% Change
$14,047 $9,054 64.5% Bathroom Remodel $14,612 $10,194 69.8% Change
$13,999 $9,393 67.1% Deck Addition (composite) $14,389 $10,181 70.8% Change
$8,214 $6,459 78.6% Deck Addition (wood) $8,550 $7,128 83.4% Change
$2,663 $1,639 61.5% Entry Door Replacement (fiberglass) $2,694 $1,694 62.9% Change
$1,072 $719 67.0% Entry Door Replacement (steel) $1,096 $1,010 92.2% Change
$70,927 $48,391 68.2% Family Room Addition $73,082 $48,168 65.9% Change
$44,572 $31,544 70.8% Garage Addition $46,123 $30,461 66.0% Change
$1,435 $1,056 73.6% Garage Door Replacement $1,431 $1,127 78.8% Change
$25,023 $10,830 43.3% Home Office Remodel $25,645 $11,176 43.6% Change
$50,124 $37,250 74.3% Major Kitchen Remodel $51,044 $36,258 71.0% Change
$91,126 $61,227 67.2% Master Suite Addition $94,589 $62,339 65.9% Change
$16,987 $12,765 75.1% Minor Kitchen Remodel $17,476 $13,023 74.5% Change
$16,922 $9,482 56.0% Roofing Replacement $17,302 $11,574 66.9% Change
$10,038 $7,262 72.4% Siding Replacement (vinyl) $10,374 $8,194 79.0% Change
$66,558 $30,682 46.1% Sunroom Addition $68,181 $33,975 49.8% Change
$140,051 $94,000 67.1% Two-Story Addition $144,436 $99,855 69.1% Change
$9,080 $6,631 73.0% Window Replacement (vinyl) $9,268 $6,906 74.5% Change
$10,008 $7,231 72.3% Window Replacement (wood) $10,160 $7,592 74.7% Change

Monday, April 29, 2013

17 Inexpensive Home Staging Tips

1.      Touch up all interior paint or repaint it completely in a rich designer color with white trim.
2.      Pressure-wash the exterior and repaint the exterior trim, shutters and front door.
3.      Place a new friendly welcome mat at the front door.
4.      Replace old exterior lights with new contemporary fixtures.
5.      Clean all windows inside and out.
6.      Repair or replace broken window screens and bent frames.
7.      Fix dripping faucets and replace discolored, rust-stained sinks.
8.      Replace the hardware on interior doors for a more updated look.
9.      Clean or install new interior light fixtures and replace burnt-out bulbs.
10.  Get rid of/store unused clothing and organize your closets to make them appear larger.
11.  Re-caulk tubs, showers and countertops with fresh white grout and acid-wash shower bottoms.
12.  Clean and add, remove or replace window coverings.  Two inch blinds are a favorite.
13.  Clean, repair and re-stretch or replace carpeting.
14.  Clean and organize the garage, attic and basement.  Rent a storage unit or POD if necessary.
15.  Renovate/rejuvenate the landscape, reseed the lawn, add color with flowers.
16.  Pack and store collections and personal items.
17.  Replace old electrical switches.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Why do I Need a Home Inspection?

Why, you ask, do I need to spend money for a home inspection?

Buying a home is the largest single investment most people ever make. What you can't see and don't notice can come back to cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars.
In North Carolina sellers must disclose material facts that they know are wrong with their home, however sometime issues remain hidden and it isn't until the home inspection is complete that they are uncovered.  A home inspection may identify the need for major repairs or builder oversights, as well as the need for maintenance to keep it in good shape.
To minimize unpleasant surprises and unexpected difficulties, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about the newly constructed or existing house before you buy it. Most good Home Inspectors are eager to share their knowledge and "school" you on the home you have under contract to purchase. After the inspection, you will know more about the house, which will allow you to finalize your decisions with confidence.

If you already are a homeowner, a home inspection can identify problems in the making and suggest preventive measures that might help you avoid costly future repairs.  It can make your home more salable when buyers know that you've been proactive in addressing any issues that may exist.  The potential for surprise repairs is also minimized for the seller which is important when you consider that the price for the home has already been negotiated between the buyer and seller.

All buyers should have a home inspection and it can often be beneficial for sellers.  If you would like to talk to a Home Inspector in the Triad contact  National Property Inspections for more information.  Mike Hunger is a trusted inspector which is just what you need when making a home investment decision.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Housing Is on a Sustained Growth Path

The housing market is “on a sustained growth path,” according to the latest economic outlook by Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research Group.
"One of the key developments for the housing market last year was the general consensus that home prices, on a national basis, bottomed earlier in the year and continued to build momentum, exhibiting robust year-over-year gains unseen since the housing boom," according to the report.
Housing inventories are at the lowest since December 1994 and fewer distressed homes have helped to lift home prices, according to Fannie Mae economists.
Among some of Fannie Mae economists projections for this year:
  • Home prices: Fannie Mae economists predict that the median price of existing homes will increase 2.3 percent on an annual basis this year, reaching $181,000. The median price of a new home will likely increase 1.6 percent to $248,000. For 2014, economists predict that home prices will increase an extra 2.8 percent.
  • Home sales: Existing-home sales will likely rise 11.5 percent in 2013, and new-home sales will rise 12.5 percent, economists predict.
  • Mortgage rates: Rates will likely edge up slightly this year with 30-year fixed-rate mortgages projected to average 3.8 percent this year and rise to 4.4 percent in 2014.
Source: “Fannie Mae: Housing Is 'on a Sustained Growth Path',” Inman News (Feb. 21, 2013)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Clemmons West Home For Sale

Click the link below to preview a great home available in Clemmons West, listed in January of 2013 and brought to you by Mary Plybon of Century 21 Triad."

Monday, January 14, 2013

Clemmons West Home Sales in 2012

There were 23 homes sales in Clemmons West in 2012.  Although some sales were bank owned properties the overall statistics remain strong.  The median number of days on the market (DOM) was 162 and the median list to sale price was 95%. 
If you are interesting in selling your home note the four key components to homes sales:
1. Location
2. Price
3. Condition of property
4. Marketing 
Clemmons West continues to be a desirable neighborhood due to convenience, schools, amenities and community.  As a seller you control the listing price of your home and the condition.  A home in top condition priced at market value will bring a buyer in the shortest amount of time.  Marketing is controlled by the Realtor you select.  Combining traditional methods with more cutting edge approaches will get the message out to the widest number of buyers.  Great communication with your Realtor is also key to staying on track.  If you want a Realtor who knows Clemmons West and will work for your best interest, then give me a call today for a free consultation.  As your neighbor and a professional in the industry I would love to help you achieve your goals.  Call me today for a free market analysis of your homes value.
Mary Plybon, Realtor
Century 21 Triad
Address Date Sold  Sold Price   Original Ask  DOM
3621 Edgemoor Ct 1/13/2012 $260,000 $289,900 85
7031 Bridgewood Rd 1/30/2012 $232,000 $247,500 104
734 Barrocliff Rd 2/22/2012 $215,001 $214,000 13
3680 Tanglebrook Trl 2/23/2012 $204,000 $217,900 97
176 Norridge Ct 4/18/2012 $238,900 $244,900 22
3602 Tanglebrook Trl 4/27/2012 $173,000 $179,900 184
6919 Bridgewood Rd 5/25/2012 $197,000 $200,000 202
151 Roquemore 6/28/2012 $172,000 $229,900 118
536 Drumheller 7/27/2012 $211,000 $249,900 440
584 Maidstone Ln 8/8/2012 $206,000 $219,900 36
323 Epping Rd 8/9/2012 $232,000 $259,000 431
3727 Squirewood 8/17/2012 $263,000 $275,000 124
734 Barrocliff Rd 8/28/2012 $225,000 $239,900 20
133 Roquemore 9/14/2012 $228,000 $244,900 323
106 Roquemore 10/10/2012 $175,000 $194,900 141
124 Roquemore 10/11/2012 $179,500 $197,900 117
7530 Idols Rd 10/17/2012 $228,500 $239,900 90
7078 Whitby Ave 10/31/2012 $205,000 $219,500 218
7077 Whitby Ave 11/14/2012 $246,000 $267,500 114
7563 Tanglewood Ct 12/7/2012 $140,000 $179,900 94
3655 Tanglebrook Trl 12/20/2012 $285,000 $299,900 168
590 Barkworth Rd 12/21/2012 $215,000 $279,900 504
6966 Bridgewood Rd 12/28/2012 $293,000 $299,900 100